The Vaia storm: taking stock and looking ahead
Aula Magna, Campus of Agripolis, Legnaro (PD)
On October 29th, 2018, the Vaia storm and flood event hit North-Eastern Italy, causing major damages to society, forests and infrastructures. With a damage of more than 8 million cubic meters of standing trees and, more importantly, the sudden reduction of forest-related ecosystem services, including protection against landslides, avalanches and floods, maintenance of cultural values, the storm had regionally unprecedented consequences. The Workshop, organised by the Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (TESAF) of the University of Padova, will assist in stock-taking efforts and analyse hydro-meteorological and climate-related aspects of the Vaia storm, and will provide a forum for the discussion on forest risks and climate change. The Workshop will also present the recently launched Research Project “VAIA - FROm lessons learNT to future options: VAIA FRONT”, a 2-year research project funded by the Department TESAF of the University of Padova.