Acronimo: INDIALPS
Titolo: Sviluppo turistico innovativo e sostenibile nella regione Alpe-Adria
Bando: Interreg VI-A Italia-Austria 1st call
Durata: (01/2024 - 01/2026) 25 mesi
Coordinatore: Parco Naturale Dobratsch
Budget: € 935.602,53
Budget totale EU: € 748.482,01
Budget TESAF: € 205.628,58
Responsabile scientifico: Mara Thiene
Team: Cristiano Franceschinis, Federica Amato, Vanessa Jreissaty
Riassunto: The INDIALPS project aims to establish a sustainable cross-border cooperation in tourism and culture that will be pursued through a cooperative tourism idea that will continue beyond the project duration. The analysis of the tourism infrastructure and the
implementation of a participatory process involving stakeholders, in close cooperation with responsible tourism organisations and research institutes, will promote awareness for sustainable tourism and the spread of a culture of peace in the Alps-Adriatic region.
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