Natural Risks in Mountain Areas and their Effects in River Morphology

Agripolis – Campus, Viale dell’Università 16, Legnaro (Pd), Lecture Hall "Mario Bonsembiante” at the “Pentagono” building, h 9:00


CONICYT CHILE supported the collaborative project “Natural Risks in Mountain Areas and their Effects in River Morphology” (REDES 150153) between the Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) and the Dept. Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (University of Padova).

This project was developed in the context of the formation and strengthening of international research networks.
The main topics of the research network are related to:

  1. An increase of the international research contributions in the field of natural hazards in mountain areas and their effects in river morphology;
  2. Contribution for the creation of capabilities in advanced human resources by means of the participation in state-of-the-art research studies;
  3. The creation of an international multi-disciplinary collaborative research group.