
Participants and prerequisites
The spring school is limited to a maximum of 22 participants. The school is suitable for PhD students, post docs and MSc students.

Participants are expected to have:

  • interest in and basic knowledge of catchment-scale hydrology
  • good programming skills (ability to write scripts, use functions, loops, etc.)
  • good mathematical and statistical skills (able to carry out basic derivations, work with Gaussian pdf, etc.)
  • an adequate knowledge of English
  • and bring their own laptops with a programming language installed (exercise solutions will be demonstrated in Python).

Selection criteria
Students wishing to attend the spring school must send the completed application form to giulia.zuecco@unipd.it, with subject “Application for Hydrocourse-2019 – YOUR NAME”.
Download the application form

The application deadline is February 22nd, 2019, but the course may be booked out earlier.
The selected candidates will receive detailed instructions about registration and payment via e-mail by March 8th, 2019.

Enrolment fees
The registration fee is EUR 240 (thanks to EGU sponsorship). The fee includes lunches, coffee breaks, social dinner and the field trip, but does not cover travel and accommodation costs. Participants are expected to organize their own travel and health insurance.