News archive

Padova Sydney Conference

University of Padova

Dal 25.09.2016 al 29.09.2016

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Seedling traits interact with environmental conditions to shape distributions of adult trees in tropical forests

Room 2040 TESAF Department, h: 10.00


Dr. James MargroveETH Zurich (CH)

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Forest Ecology...(but not only...)

Room 2014, Dept. TeSAF. Time 11:00 - 12:00


Environment and Biodiversity in Nepal : Status, Management Efforts, and Tribhuvan University- Padova University CollaborationSpeaker: Prof. P.K. Jha

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Integrating high resolution remote sensing and GIS to build affordable data rich predictive models to better assist environmental planning, policy and mitigation.

Room L, Dep.t Ingegneria Civile Edile e Ambientale Via Marzolo 9. Time: 18:00-19:00


Speaker: prof. John Radke University of California Berkeley

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Modeling the impact of climate change and extreme storm events at the nexus of the natural and built environments.

Room 2, Stecca 1 Building – Agripolis, Legnaro. Time 10:00-12:00


Speaker: prof. John Radke University of California Berkeley

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