News archive

Prof.Anna Lawrence from University of the Highlands and Islands, Scotland, UK guest of TESAF Department as Visiting Professor

TESAF Department

Dal 04.12.2017 al 31.01.2018

Visiting Professor

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A gentle introduction to CityGML as open standard for semantic 3D city modelling

Room 15P, Agripolis - Legnaro (PD)


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Coupled prediction of shallow landsliding and flash flood response

“Linda Scattolin” Videoconferenze Room – 2° floor TESAF; 14:00 - 16:00


Dr William Amponsah

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Reproducing an extreme flood with post event observations and a hydrological model

“Linda Scattolin” Videoconferenze Room – 2° floor TESAF; 14:00 - 16:00


Dr William Amponsah

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Coupled prediction of flash flood response and debris flow occurrence: application on an alpine extreme flood event

“Linda Scattolin” Videoconferenze room – 2° floor TESAF; 14:00 - 16:00


Dr William Amponsah

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