
PHD Scholarships funded by PNRR - MD 630/2024

PNRR PhD scholarships banner

The call for application is now published: deadline July 25th 2024 - 1 pm (CEST)
The new call: see the text  in English and Italian

L.E.R.H. selection 2024

The password required to read the final rankings was sent by CINECA to each applicant just after the application to the UNIPD PhD program.

Shortlisted applicants - oral exam schedule (pw required)
Note: inside the file you will also find the ZOOM LINK indication, with the password required to connect.

Results of the titles examination for the LERH PhD program selection (without password).

Candidates with a mark equal or greater than 35 are shortlisted for the oral examination

Oral exam results (pw required)

Successful candidates must enroll by July25th 2024.

Information on enrolment procedures will be published at the same time as the rankings.

Publication of enrolment deadlines are to be considered as official notification for all intents and purposes.

No personal communication will be sent to the candidates. Candidates granted admission to the Courses are responsible for checking enrolment dates and procedures.

Zoom resources:

ITA: Disponibili istruzioni e tutorial qui (


Education Guide: Getting Started on Zoom

Student Tips for Participating in Online Learning

Call for admission to the PhD Courses 2024/25 - (Cycle XL)

Call opening: April 9th 2024

Call deadline: deadline 1 pm (CEST) of May 13th 2024
The new call: see the text  in English and Italian 
The summary information on the LERH specific call in English  and in Italian.

For the Research topics see here.
A Guide for the research synopsis writing is available here.
Guidelines to UNIPD PhD programs in English, italian and Chinese version.

  Zoom information

Zoom resources:

ITA: Disponibili istruzioni e tutorial qui (


Education Guide: Getting Started on Zoom

Student Tips for Participating in Online Learning