Smart FIT
Title: Smart FIT - Smart Fertilization Innovation and Technology.
Call: PSR Regione Veneto 2014-2020 DGR n.736 del 28/05/2018 Misura 16 COOPERAZIONE - Operazione 16.1.1 e 16.2.1
Duration: From 29.11.2019 (36 months)
Total budget: € 334.641,08
TESAF Budget: € 64.742,00
Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Luigi Sartori
Team: Luigi Sartori, Francesco Morari
Brief description: In pedological contexts vulnerable to compaction, joined with traditional agronomic technique may degrade the soil structure and therefore the yields. The difficulty of planning field activities and the fragility of such soils represent the two main limiting factors. The main focus of the Smart FIT project will be centred on the decrease of the releases of input into the waters, through a more efficient distribution of organic (agrozootechnical digestate) and mineral fertilisers, that will be sustainable in complex pedological contexts. The acquisition of the agronomic variables of interest, through direct in-field measurements and remote sensing techniques, will be managed in a dedicated database. The information will be elaborated in a decision support system (DSS), able to forecast georeferenced input, modalities and timing of in-field actions. A better efficiency in the use of farm resources, a reduction of mineral fertilisers and the improvement of the soil structure, represent the main expected results. The use of DSS within the project, will further allow a digital and structured management of the farm information, supporting the operational choices. The whole project procedure will be shared with farms operating in similar contexts to facilitate the transfer of the gained know-how.
Project funded by Programma di Sviluppo Rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020
Organization responsible for the information: Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento TESAF
Managing Autorithy: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste