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Acronym: PMOVN

Title: Caratterizzazione di alcune monoossigenasi di polisaccaridi di interesse industriale e di enzimi correlati

Call: Other Funding Scheme

Duration: Starting date: 01/01/2017 - Project end: 31/12/2017 (12 months)

Coordinator: UNIPD - Università degli Studi di Padova 

Total EU Contribution: € 0,00

TESAF Budget: €  56.000,00

Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Luca Sella

Research Team: Francesco Favaron, Marta De Zotti

Brief description: The main objectives of PMOVN are

  1. identifying the roles of PMOs and related enzymes during M. oryzae pathogenesis; 
  2. developing new methods to control rice blast disease by exploiting natural molecules or inhibitor proteins effective against the fungal enzymes involved in virulence; 
  3. analysing the enzymatic activities of M. oryzae PMOs and related enzymes on polysaccharides and lignin to develop new enzyme mixtures for rice straw degradation and biofuel production.


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