Acronym: PerForm
Title: Perceiving the Forest-based Sector in the Bioeconomy
Call: Other Funding Scheme
Duration: Starting date: 01/04/2018 - Project end: 31/03/2020 (24 months)
Coordinator: P1 - (ALU-FR) Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (D)
Total EU Contribution: € 123.640,00
TESAF Budget: € 9.300,00
Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Laura Secco
Research Team: Davide Pettenella; Mauro Masiero
Brief description: Political strategies worldwide, present bioeconomy as the way towards a new and sustainable economy. The forest sector and wood-based sector promises to be an important building block for the bioeconomy. However, there are major challenges in implementing a forest-based bioeconomy: (i) disparities in meaning and expanding the European bioeconomy between European countries; (ii) limited knowledge about whether and how forest stakeholders (across Europe and Russia) perceive the forest-based bioeconomy and (iii) an information gap about whether and how urban consumers perceive the (forest-based) bioeconomy and how this differs across Europe and Russia.
Therefore, the aim of PerForm is to better understand regional disparities of national bioeconomy policies and the perceptions of a forest-based bioeconomy. We explore the diversity of perceptions and acceptance of a forest-based bioeconomy in Europe in order to foster participation of different forest stakeholders and the broader public through an informed and open dialogue. The highly experienced social scientists in the field of forest-bioeconomy involved in PerForm analyze perceptions of various stakeholder groups across Europe (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, France, Italy, Sweden, Finland) and Russia. Methodologically, we build extensively on qualitative document analysis, stakeholder interviews and innovative communication tools.
The main outcomes of this cooperation network are an online information platform and an open access e-learning course that aims to inform forest stakeholders, policy makers, students and the interested public about the forest-based bioeconomy in the different regions of Europe and Russia. The scientific results of the network will be collected and published in a special issue
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