Latest on the EFI 2014 Annual Conference

Bilbao (Spain)

Dal 10.09.2014 al 12.09.2014

This year the EFI Annual Conference takes place in Bilbao, Spain on 10–12 September 2014.  

Young Scientists Session: "Building the future" on 10 September


The networking session of the EFI Annual Conference will provide young scientists with an opportunity to present their ongoing contributions to forest research. Five young scientists will be selected and awarded according to the scientific innovation, policy relevance and interdisciplinary nature of the work. Don’t miss an opportunity to present your work  on 10 September! Submission of applications by Friday, 13 June. More information at the website here.

Future of Bioeconomy in Europe on 11 September

Register now to the Annual Conference Seminar ‘Future of Bioeconomy in Europe’ to hear keynote speakers from policy, research and business on 11 September. Amongst our confirmed speakers are Mr. Göran Persson , President of EFI’s ThinkForest Forum and the former Prime Minister of Sweden, Dr.Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director of the European Environment Agency and Mr. Peio Gorrońo, Manager of Egoin, a company providing innovative wood construction solutions, and services related to these. 

Field trip in the Basque country on 12 September

After the seminar day, there are two options for the field trip on 12 September. A traditional management of cultivated and pollarded beech forests and modern intensive management of pine and eucalypt forest plantations can be visited in the field trip to Barazar mountains. A second field trip takes the delegates to a town of Orozko where various examples of the wood industry sector will be visited.

Check out the latest Annual Conference information and register here: