I.T.A. 2.0
Title: I.T.A. 2.0 - Innovation Technology Agriculture 2.0
Call: PSR 2014-2020 Provincia Autonoma di Trento OPERAZIONE 16.1.1. "Gruppi Operativi nell'ambito del Partenariato Europeo dell'Innovazione" Fase 2 "Selezione del progetto e relativo Gruppo Operativo" - Bando 2017
Duration: 17/10/2017 - 17/10/2020 (36 months)
Total budget: € 419.227,52
TESAF budget: € 37.544,94
Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Samuele Trestini
Team: Samuele Trestini, Vasco Boatto, Cristian Bolzonella
Brief description: The ITA 2.0 project aims to promote the competitiveness of agricultural businesses through the adoption and development of innovative risk management measures and instruments. The evolution of risk management, introduced in the new EU guidelines, proposes the definition of tools that evolve from the simple damage’s management from adverse weather conditions, single or associated, towards more complex solutions that protect farms from all uncertainty’s factors that could endanger the company's profitability (such as natural disasters, plant diseases, volatility of agricultural production prices "IST"). This allows companies to pursue a competitive advantage and to strengthen their market positions with the necessary investments, initiatives to increase knowledge and innovations, and to enjoy adequate and satisfactory protection. The development of new risk management tools becomes a facilitator element for guiding companies and supply chains linked to virtuous solutions, for the benefit of a desirable social and economic development of the areas concerned, in a mutual concept of responsibility.
Sito Web: http://www.codipraeventi.it/psr-2014-2020/