
Title: INNOSOSS - "Innovazione Sociale per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile della Viticoltura nell’Alta Marca"

Funding scheme: PSR 2014-2020 Veneto - GAL Altamarca - Delibere n. 11 e 12 del CdA  - GAL Alta Marca – del 25.02.2019.
Tipo di intervento 16.1.1 “Costituzione e gestione dei gruppi operativi del PEI in materia di produttività e sostenibilità in agricoltura”
Tipo intervento 16.2.1 “Realizzazione di progetti pilota e sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, pratiche, processi e tecnologie”

Coordinator: Fed. Prov. Coldiretti di Treviso

Duration: From 29/11/2019 to 28/11/2021 (24 months)

Total budget: € 219.590,61

TESAF Budget: € 70.089,65

Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Samuele Trestini


Brief description: Mis. 16.1.1 : The viticulture of the LAG (Local Action Group) area contributes significantly to the economy of the territory and is located in an area with significant environmental and landscape quality elements and with a widespread urbanization. Given the proximity between agricultural production and urban areas, citizenship complains of a compromise in the liveability of the territory and the level of health and healthiness of the environment, while the winemakers claim the right to do business and often qualify the requests from the community or the actions by local administrations as damage in terms of profitability.
The project aims to transfer a participatory approach to the territory to analyze and manage the elements of conflict between stakeholders by addressing the issues of sustainable wine production, improving environmental protection, landscape and biodiversity, as well as building bridges between research in the field of sustainable viticulture and low environmental impact, on the one hand, and the productive world, businesses, associations and local communities, on the other. The methodology applied in the territory will make it possible to demonstrate the applicability of participatory approaches for the search for actions aimed at sustainable rural development, shared and participated by all stakeholders.
Mis. 16.2.1:
The project proposes the transfer into the territory of a participatory approach to analyze and manage the elements of conflict between stakeholders by addressing the issues of sustainable wine production, improving environmental protection, landscape and biodiversity, as well as bridging the gap between research in the field of sustainable viticulture and low environmental impact, on the one hand, and the productive world, businesses, associations and local communities, on the other. This result will be achieved by applying the following actions:
- IDENTIFICATION and involvement of local stakeholders;
- IDENTIFICATION of differences of interests and conflict elements and SHARING with the stakeholders of the methodologies and contents of the investigation;
- INQUIRY on the perception of the sustainability of viticulture by citizens, agricultural operators and tourists and on the perception of health by citizens;
- RESTITUTION to the stakeholders of the results of the surveys and development, through the application of participatory methodologies, of a sharing approach ACTIONS for the sustainable development of the territory.
The methodology applied in the territory will make it possible to demonstrate the applicability of participatory approaches for the search for actions aimed at sustainable rural development, shared and participated by all stakeholders, even in the presence of divergences of obvious interests and potential conflicts.


Project funded by Programma di Sviluppo Rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020

Organization responsible for the information: Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento TESAF

Managing Autorithy: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste