Forest, Climate, Society

VooV Meeting / Tencent Meeting

Dal 18.11.2020 al 23.12.2020


Seminar Series for MSc & PhD students

Celebrative opening event for the 2020 – 2026 agreement between Dept. of Land Environment, Agriculture and Forestry (University of Padova, Italy) and College of Soil and Water Conservation (Beijing Forestry University, Beijing)

November/December 2020
Invited talks are grouped by topics with two professors. Each of the two professors from both universities presents 40’ starting from 09:00, CET / 16:00, Beijing time, 18th Nov. for the first session followed by the group discussion. Next session takes place next Wednesdays lasting for 6 weeks.

Conveners & Moderators:
Prof. Zhiqiang Zhang (Beijing Forestry University)
Prof. Paolo Tarolli (University of Padova)

Date: 18 Nov., 25 Nov., 2 Dec., 9 Dec., 16 Dec., and 23 Dec, 2020
Time: 09:00 CET / 16:00 Beijing time
Venue: VooV Meeting / Tencent Meeting
Meeting ID: 588 6431 5214