Title: FOGLIE “Filiera Organizzata del Gruppo Legname Innovativo ed Energia”

Call: PSR della Regione Toscana 2014-2020, Bando “Progetti Integrati di Filiera – PIF” annualità 2015 – decreto n. 2359 del 26/05/2015 

Coordinator: Consorzio Forestale dell’Amiata 

Duration: 13/04/2016 – 13/09/2018 (17 months)

Total budget: € 4.477.568,12

TESAF Budget: € 33.600,00

Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Stefano Grigolato

Team: Stefano Grigolato, Federico Brancher (Scholarship holder)

Brief description: FOGLIE is a regional project for the Wood-Energy sector, participated by various entrepreneurial subjects of primary production, transformation and marketing adhering to a Supply Chain Agreement and aimed at solving the critical issues that characterize it, through the realization of investments that cover the different segments of the supply chain.
