Title: Cooperazione transfrontaliera tra Slovenia e Italia per una regione più sicura
Call: INTERREG V-A Italia-Slovenia
Duration: Starting date: 01/01/2019 - Project end: 31/12/2021 (36 months)
Coordinator: Protezione Civile Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Total EU Contribution: € 2.932.913,90
TESAF Budget: € 122.800,00
Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Emanuele Lingua
Research Team: Francesco Pirotti, Stefano Grigolato, Paola Bolzon, Flavio Taccaliti
Brief description: Natural disasters do not recognise human boundaries. Based on this assumption, it is important to recognise the need for inter-institutional agreements to better manage a territory regardless of administrative borders.
In this context, the project Interreg Italia-Slovenija CROSSIT SAFER aims at strengthening institutional collaboration between public bodies and other actors working in the Civil Protection of the two participant states for an effective emergency management in the cross-border area.
The objectives of the project are to enhance collaboration between institutions, to define common and coordinate measures for prevention, preparedness and response against emergencies and to improve the training of Civil Protection units.
The main expected outcome of the project is the ratification of a cooperation protocol in the event of natural emergencies and other disasters in the cross-border area that will foster cross-border collaboration and ultimately benefit the population living in the project area.
The Universiy of Padova provides scientific support to the project participating with three departments: DICEA, to assess seismic risk, DII, to assess industrial and infrastructural risk, and TESAF, to assess wildfire risk.
Wildfires are ecological disturbances present in many ecosystems around the world, but when they happen in proximity to populated areas they can represent a serious threat to assets, economic activities and human lives. TESAF department will provide new methodologies to map and assess wildfire risk in both wildland and wildland-urban interface of the project area and will propose mitigation measures tailored to the specific situations.