Title: SERINNOVATION “Operating group on innovation, quality, traceability in sericulture to develop sources of supplementary income for farms”
Call: PSR 2014-2020 MIS. DGR 2175 DEL 23/12/2016
Duration: 22/12/2017 - 22/12/2022 (60 mesi)
Total Budget: € 637.489,68
TESAF Budget: € 27.000,00
Responsible Scientific Officer/Investigator: Samuele Trestini
Team: Samuele Trestini
Brief description: The OG aims at coordinating and spreading a demonstration of innovation in sericulture: mechanization of the agricultural process and centralization of some rearing steps to decrease costs, exploitation of wastes as by-products, specific traceability study thanks to the obtainment of Italian silkworm eggs, to enhance quality and strongly identify the national production. Therefore the plan acts on the product perception (in terms of quality) increasing the intrinsic added value, on the reduction of the production costs (diminishing labour hours employed in the agricultural chain), on the recovery of the waste material for further applications (circular economy). Consequently, Italian silk (presently priced at 600 euro per kg) might compete with the best quality of the Chinese one (60-70 euro per kg), even thanks to the different market appreciation, decreasing the fresh cocoon cost (raw material) from 18 to 12 euro per kg. The plan also envisages some measures, as vocational training, and the establishment of the farm facilities, related to silkworm rearing aiming at the completion of the demonstration action. Then, as a result we foresee that economically sustainable technologies for cocoon production will be established as supplementary income even for the small farms. The outputs of the project will regard farmers, through diversification of their activity.
Sito Web:
Project funded by Programma di Sviluppo Rurale per il Veneto 2014-2020
Organization responsible for the information: Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento TESAF
Managing Autorithy: Regione del Veneto – Direzione AdG FEASR Parchi e Foreste